Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Notes and Notifications

The girls played AWESOME yesterday. We just had a few small breakdowns which gave them the opportunity to score. You probably noticed that the other team did NOT have any subs on their bench. They all played the full 60 minutes. They had good stamina and fitness. This is still a weakness for some of our girls. A higher fitness level increases the amount of time that a girl plays during a game. Being able to keep up with their mark is extremely important. There is a higher chance for the other team to score if we are not marking them.

We also need some more use of step overs, drag backs, and give & gos (I like to refer to these as “Fancy Footwork”). These three skills are necessary for avoiding running into the opposing team. Remember what Pele said, “When you control the ball, you control the score.” The more we keep the ball in our possession, the more chances we will have to get up the field and take shots on goal.

Our passing has become much stronger and the girls are definitely working together very well as a team. I am so proud of their vast progress since November.

Due to Early Release there will NOT be practice today.

Our game on Thursday is AWAY against Airport at 6:00pm. The bus will leave from the MCHS by the gym at 4:30pm.

The girls should be there by 4:00pm for food and drinks. They will need their black jerseys, shorts, and black socks. Make sure they double check for their shinguards. We are the only team going, so we should be back between 8 and 8:30pm.

Here is their web page:

Here is their address and phone number: 1315 Boston Avenue West Columbia, South Carolina 29170 Phone 803-822-5600

There will be an OPTIONAL practice during SPRING BREAK on Thursday, April 7th from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Please talk with your daughters and let me know if they will or will not be attending. Please make sure they run and touch the ball during break.

I know that the following girls will NOT be able to practice:
Leah McCullough

*We only have 3 games left in our season. We are very sad to not be able to have the 8th grade field trip girls for the 13th and 15th. We will need their jerseys, so that they alternates can get a chance to play in those games. It would be great if they can get those to me by Monday, April 11th.

Where are we on the Pasta Party? • Parents and the girls are invited.
• Possibly on a Saturday afternoon? When do the 8th grade field trip girls leave for Washington? I would like to include them even though they will not be able to play.
• Maria’s mother would like to bring plates and silverware
• Can someone bring cups?
• Do we need someone to bring deserts?
• I had the idea that we could tye dye some shirts and put their names and numbers on them. I can pick up shirts, the tye dye and puffy paint supplies for this. Would each of you be willing to donate $2 towards this?

Mrs. Cromer is graciously providing a pizza party for the girls for defeating Newberry. I was thinking that we might hold this afterschool at MCMS the day before our AWAY Newberry Game, Thursday. Mrs. Cromer, what are your thoughts?

As always: Thank you for your continued support for the girls and everything that you do.

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